Why Run Alpha?

We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view; wherever they are in the world.

Alpha offers the opportunity to do just that – in an informal, friendly and open environment. No one can force anyone to believe anything. We’ve found over the years that if we’re hospitable and just let guests be themselves, lives will be transformed.

At Alpha, we try to be

Alpha presents the reality of who Jesus is. Those that run Alpha are open and authentic, and this allows guests to be real themselves.

Alpha is based on real friendships that are built over a few weeks, and often last for years afterwards.

On Alpha we are reliant on the Holy Spirit because we realise that it is only God who changes people's lives – we just introduce him.

Who & Where to run Alpha?

Jesus once said, “for where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20). What an amazing promise! If Jesus is with us everywhere, that means that we can introduce others to Him ANYWHERE!

That powerful truth is what drives the AlphaAnywhere movement. Our hope is that EVERY Christian in Hong Kong would be equipped and empowered with a simple, effective, adaptable, and reproducible tool like Alpha to bring the Gospel into every home, office, school, campus, restaurant, bar, cafe, gym, prison, elderly home, hospital, community, and place of gathering in Hong Kong.

We believe that when every follower of Jesus Christ is actively doing their part, we will witness a great revival and transformation in this city like never before!

How to become a part of the AlphaAnywhere movement?

Stay connected to the AlphaAnywhere movement

As you prepare to embark on your new and exciting Alpha journey, it’s important to remember this ancient proverb –

“If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together!”

In other words, if you want to maximize the blessing and impact of your Alpha experience, you can’t do it alone. So, here are 3 ways to stay connected to the AlphaAnywhere movement:

Stay connected to an
Alpha Leader Community (ALC)

An ALC is a community of seasoned Alpha leaders that comes together to share resources & best practices (collaboration), to raise up new Alpha leaders (coaching), and to develop innovative ways to run Alpha better (creativity).
Every ALC hosts regular events throughout the year, such as Alpha Labs, prayer meetings, and networking social.

Want to join one? Contact us now.

Stay connected to the
Alpha Hong Kong Office

The Alpha HK office consists of a dedicated team of Alpha experts and practitioners.
Connect with us and discover the newest & most updated Alpha tools, and be trained on how to use them effectively.
You'll receive strategic consultation on how to further grow & upgrade your Alpha for greater, lasting impact.

Contact us now.

Stay connected to a
local church

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  • Share regularly with a pastor or ministry leader of your local church about what God has been doing in your Alpha
  • Receive discipleship materials and other ministry tools / resources to continue investing in your Alpha group
  • Seek pastoral care for your Alpha group (both guests and leaders)
  • Invite your Alpha guests to various activities & events hosted by your local church (if they're interested)

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Alpha Stories

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