The soft launch of ACTS will start with Episode 01 uploaded to the MyAlpha platform at noon on 14th Feb 2022, with one episode uploaded each subsequent week on Mondays, ending with Episode 13 on 9th May 2022. The official launch of ACTS is planned for Sep 2022 after final amendments to the videos.
14 Feb - EP 01. Life: Is This It?
21 Feb - EP 02. Jesus: Who Is He?
28 Feb - EP 03. Cross: Why Did Jesus Die?
07 Mar - EP 04. Faith: How Can I Have Faith?
14 Mar - EP 05. Prayer: Why And How Do I Pray?
21 Mar - EP 06. Bible: Why And How Do I Read The Bible?
28 Mar - EP 07. Follow: How Does God Guide Us?
04 Apr - EP 08. Spirit: Who Is The Holy Spirit And What Does He Do?
11 Apr - EP 09. Fill: How Can I Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?
18 Apr - EP 10. Evil: How Can I Resist Evil?
25 Apr - EP 11. Healing: Does God Heal Today?
02 May - EP 12. New Life: How Do I Make The Most Of The Rest Of My Life?
09 May - EP 13. Church: What About the Church and Telling Others?
Would you consider giving the gift of the gospel to the youth in Hong Kong?
With the world rapidly changing, there is a very real urgency for the Church to proclaim the gospel to young people in new ways that are fun and culturally relevant.
We believe Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (“ACTS”) will be a powerful tool for churches and schools to reach the youth, occupying a unique position in Hong Kong where there is no other comparable gospel media tool customized for local students.
What is ACTS?
ACTS is designed to engage students in conversations about life, faith and Jesus. ACTS has been totally reimagined for today’s youth culture. Through 13 engaging talks, ACTS creates a space for students to explore and develop a relationship with Jesus.
Highlights of ACTS
Tailored for teenagers ACTS presents the tried and true Alpha content in a dynamic way that is customized for teenagers. Youth-relevant stories and contentACTS offers compelling stories and content that resonate with the younger generation. Catholic-friendly trackProduction of the new Catholic friendly track will enable Catholic schools and churches to use Alpha more effectively.
Why invest in ACTS?
Platform to build authentic relationshipsThe younger generation desires to connect in authentic ways. ACTS provides a friendly and open environment for people to be themselves and to share life. Recognition and credibilityACTS is vetted by respected church leaders and seminary professors to ensure that the gospel message is clear. It is also endorsed by youth KOLs to ensure that it is engaging and relevant to the youth.
Vast network of partnersAlpha can ride on its vast network of partnering churches and schools to penetrate deeper and broader into the community of youth.
Would you join us in sowing into ACTS to bring the much-needed hope of the gospel to the younger generation?